Weekly Update | July 30, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,
There is a quote from Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, “Learning To Walk In The Dark,” that speaks to me at this time. She writes,
New life starts in the dark. Whether it is a seed in the ground, a baby in the womb, or Jesus in the tomb, it starts in the dark.
I wonder if this might be true for you, as well. In the past six months, there has been change on multiple levels that involves loss, in addition to the stresses, strains and challenges in our own lives. I bet it has felt as dark as the desert night.
This is where God promises to meet us, dear friends. In the dark where new life begins in glorious ways. This doesn’t make everything else right; and there may be something new being born in us and in this place.
During this transition, I am very pleased to announce that Canon Lurelean Gaines has agreed graciously to serve as Senior Warden of St. John’s Cathedral until the Annual Meeting in 2025. I am most grateful for her faithful service, wisdom, long-standing perspective and leadership.
As for the other vestry openings, YOU are invited to discern if you are called to serve, and how God is leading this Cathedral. To be considered for the vestry, one must be a member in good standing. This means you are:
a baptized member of the Body of Christ; a member of St. John’s by making an annual financial pledge; a member of the Episcopal Church, and a regular churchgoer and have been or are an active volunteer.
On Sunday please join at 9am (between the 8am and 10am service) for a second parish wide meeting. The first part will be another chance to ask questions about anything on your mind and heart. The second part will be a chance to learn more about the vestry, and add your name for consideration. The current vestry will then fill open seats in accordance with the bylaws.
Moving through the dark is always less scary when we walk together, offering what we have to share. We can carry the best of the past with us, and dream about the future. Perhaps, we will meet God there, as we follow Christ forward.
Much love and blessings,
Anne Sawyer
Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge