Special Update | January 8, 2025

Yesterday morning, many of us woke to hear about the incoming extreme weather event involving high winds and the possibility of fire. Rev. Mel was the first to post, encouraging folks to be safe and to let him know if anyone needed help. He told us about a large branch that had fallen between their cars that morning, and after leaving church he shared a post of fires not far from his home last night. Within hours, he and his spouse, Stephen, made the decision to evacuate. They are sheltering nearby with his brother and family.
This morning he woke to learn that his house is gone. Safe, devastated, grieving, and in shock, Rev. Mel gives thanks for the love and support of his church communities, family and friends. Let us give thanks to God that while they are not okay, God is with them both and with the other good people of Los Angeles who have suffered tremendous loss as a result of severe weather and conditions beyond human control.
Let us listen to how we, the good people of St. John’s Cathedral, can offer love and support to Rev. Mel & Stephen, and all the victims of these fires, and for the Episcopal churches that have lost church buildings, rectories, homes, businesses and life of human and animal kind.
The lay leaders and clergy of St. John’s Cathedral have been online and in communication since it all began. We have spoken with many of you. If anyone among us is in need, please let Canon Gaines, Deacon Margaret and I know immediately. You can reach me by email. If you have my number, please call or text anytime – morning, noon or night.
Please help us to listen to how we are being called at this time and in this place to care for and love our neighbors. All of us extend our most heartfelt condolences to Rev. Mel and Stephen, and to all the people who have suffered great loss. St. John’s Cathedral is ready and open for anyone who seeks a church home for respite from the fires, and as a place to experience the love of God in this world, despite it all. We hope to see you.
Let us pray.
Gracious and loving God, we give thanks for the first responders, emergency, medical and shelter staff who have worked tirelessly to save and care for people in danger of harm, and save homes and properties. We give thanks for all the people who have opened their hearts and homes to provide care, to feed and to comfort everyone who have experienced tremendous pain and loss. We grieve with all who have lost their homes and all other aspects of life and love during this fire. May God be ever-present, and may it become clear how we can care and minister for everyone near and far, at this time and in this place. May the light of Christ shine through us all.
With love and blessings,