Difficult News

A message from the Canon for Music Ministry and Cathedral Arts
I have difficult news to share. Our beloved colleague, Hilary Fraser-Thomson, died this week. Hilary was a deeply loved member of the entire St. John’s Cathedral community, having graced us with her unparalleled musicality and joyful spirit for over 20 years. Hilary’s sister, Dr. Sabrina Derrington, shared with me just how important St. John’s was in Hilary’s life, and how important her faith was to her.
Anyone who heard Hilary chant the ancient Exsultet at the Great Vigil of Easter was transfixed by the heartfelt meaning she wrought from every word and note she sang. Her treatment of the Prayers of the People was nothing short of Hildegardian in inspiration, and left every other chorister satisfied to allow Hilary to chant them weekly. She touched countless lives with her music making. But most of all, Hilary was kind and generous to everyone she met.
A service is being planned to celebrate Hilary’s life and all the tremendous blessings Hilary graced us with during her long career at St. John’s.
Almighty God, we remember this day before thee thy faithful servant Hilary; and we pray that, having opened to her the gates of larger life, thou wilt receive her more and more into thy joyful service, that, with all who have faithfully served thee in the past, she may share in the eternal victory of Jesus Christ our Lord; who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
A message from the Interim Dean and Priest-in-Charge
The Rt. Rev. Gretchen Rehberg, Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Spokane, posted on Facebook earlier this week. She was on a wood deck at camp after receiving news of the death of an active leader in the church, and giving thanks for her life, witness and ministry. Her post spoke to me then, and again today after receiving the tragic news of the death of our beloved and gifted singer Hilary Fraser-Thomson. How can she be gone? The post read as follows:
Life is short my friends, do not waste your time with division and disdain for others, avoid hatred, seek the good of others, live in love, find joy, and walk with God in peace.
Little did I know how this quote would represent my feelings about Hilary. The kindness and love she offered so many people, seeking the good of others, finding joy and walking with God. There is nothing we would not do to have more time together. Life is so very precious.
More information about a service for Hilary Fraser-Thomson will follow. Please know that we are here to support you during this time of great loss. I am happy to meet or talk with anyone, as is the Rev. Mel, Deacon Margaret, and Canon Gaines. We can be reached through the church office at 213-747-6285.
O God our strength in need, our help in trouble: stand with us in our distress, support us in our shock, bless us in our questioning, and do not leave us comfortless, but raise us up with Jesus Christ.
May her soul through the mercy of God, rest in peace forevermore. Amen.