Weekly Update | December 17, 2023

A courageous wise soul posted a few weeks ago that Christmas is not the easiest time for everyone for numerous reasons. Some of us are far from family and friends. Some are missing loved ones now in the nearer presence of God. Some hold memories of Christmas’ past. Some yearn for their lives to be different or for the world to be different – for violence and war to end. Some are living with uncertainty of life and hardships. The economic stress of it all is too much for many. For others the holidays intensify everything. Some simply feel alone.
Theologian Henri Nouwen reminds us we are not alone. God is with us even when it feels as if no one is there. He explains:
"God came to us because he wanted to join us on the road, to listen to our story, and to help us realize that we are not walking in circles but moving toward the house of peace and joy. This is the great mystery of Christmas that continues to give us comfort and consolation: we are not alone on our journey." (https://henrinouwen.org/meditations/we-are-not-alone)
I encourage you to join us this Christmas as a community of faith preparing to welcome the Christ child once again into our lives. Let us awake to the presence of God in our lives each and every day and feel the love of God that transcends time and place. Let us draw near feeling the warmth of Christmas from within. May you feel God’s loving presence along the way.
Love and blessings,