Weekly Update | September 24, 2023

Celebrating Our Past and Imagining Our Future Together
Dear St. John’s Cathedral Community,
You are cordially invited to a brunch and conversation on Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 5, from 10am to 12:30pm, where we will take the opportunity to celebrate, examine, and learn from our past and the present as we look to the future of our St. John's congregation. Your input is needed to help us discern where God is guiding us during this time of transition into the future.
We will strive to respect everyone's experiences, hopes, dreams, and values without judgment. We will not devalue anyone's input but receive all contributions with grace. This will be facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Eric Law, a neutral, unbiased facilitator, experienced in bringing congregations together around a vision for the future.
Recognizing that St. Johns is made up of people with many backgrounds, gifts, and experiences, let us honor that and move forward in one spirit.
You are the threads that make up a quilt patch. It takes many patches full of rainbow colors to complete a quilt. Without you, our quilt is incomplete.
Planning Committee,
Celebrating Our Past and Imagining Our Future Together