Weekly Update | February 18, 2024

St. John’s Cathedral began Black History Month this year on January 14th with the Feast Day of Martin Luther King Jr. and will end on the last Sunday of February; however, let us celebrate the beauty of diversity in ethnicities and cultures of the people of this land and the world all year – as the body of Christ.
I wish to extend heartfelt gratitude to Canon Earl Mounger for his leadership, and the labor of love given by the Black History Planning Committee, including Bob Bowen, Marci Clare, Velma Ford, Felicia Gaddis, Lurelean Gaines, Gloria Flowers, Deacon Margaret McCauley, Caleb Triche, and Martha Watson among others who contributed their gifts of talents and time.
Let us give special thanks to The Mary Harris Gallery for curating a wonderful exhibit of works by Black artists. The Rev. Canon Warner Traynham, former rector of St. John’s, Tony Concept, Mary Harris, Chris Rocket, Anaya Needleman, Donald White Jr., Staff Campbell, Khaliyfah Al-Aswani, Charro, and Richard McKinley offered artistic representation of the cultural heritage and experiences of the African diaspora.
We also heard God’s word preached by The Rev. Brandon Harris, Associate Dean of Religious Life at the University of Southern California, The Rev. Canon Warner Traynham, and Mr. Andre Henry, an award-winning musician and author. Moreover, our hearts were stirred spiritually and remain full as a result of glorious music performed under the direction of Dr. Christopher Gravis, and with Dr. Zachery Neufeld, both on organ and piano with his jazz trio.
Thank you! May we continue to celebrate God within and beyond this community as we grow in love.
Love and blessings,