Weekly Update | December 1, 2024

Thanksgivings are a form of prayer to God giving thanks for the fullness of life: from the gifts freely bestowed upon us, to the wonder of creation, the lives of men and women who reveal the image of Christ, our daily food and drink, and our homes and families and friends. We give thanks for having minds to think, hearts to love, and hands to serve; for health and strength to work, and for leisure to rest and play. We give thanks for the brave and courageous who are patient in suffering and faithful in adversity, thanks for all valiant seekers after truth, liberty and justice, and thanks for the communion of saints in all times and places (BCP, 837).
There are prayers of thanksgivings for national life in our Book of Common Prayer for the Nation, for heroic service and for the diversity of races and cultures, as well as for the beauty of the earth, for harvest, and family and personal life.
Being thankful on Thanksgiving is about all of this and more. Let us give thanks to God for these innumerable blessings given freely to the whole of creation, including heartfelt gratitude and thanks for the beloved people of St. John’s Cathedral, and our dedicated and faithful Wardens, Vestry, Clergy and Staff. I give thanks for each and every one of you.
On Sunday please join us at 8am and 10am for Holy Eucharist, and again at 4pm for a very special service of Advent & Carols marking the end of one century, and the launch of a new one. The afternoon service will be followed by a festive reception. Please join us! Bishop John Taylor will officiate.
Among the special gifts to be received and blessed on Sunday are a new full set of Sarum blue vestments for Advent. The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming” as we prepare for the coming of Christ to be born into this world again, and as we wait with hope and expectation. Sarum is the Latin name for Salisbury, referring to Salisbury Cathedral, where the tradition of wearing blue vestments began centuries ago.
Special thanks this year are given to the donors who gave generously to purchase these new vestments on this centennial year. Inside each garment is a dedication given in memory or in honor by the donor. Let me close by sharing these gifts of love:
Chasuble given by Mr. Rick Nordin: "To the memory of the Rev. George Davidson, D.D., LL.D"
Dalmatic & overlay stole given:
“To the Glory of God given lovingly by Ruby Sylvestre”
Dalmatic & overlay stole given:
“In memory of Stephen "Bugsy" Meighan given by Barbara and Stephen Meighan”
Cope given:
“In memory of my parents James Sidney and Eddie Mae Mounger and for the ministry of Rev. Anne Sawyer Interim Dean and Priest in Charge. Earl Lerron Mounger”
Let us celebrate and give thanks to God as a community of faith for all the blessings of life. Join us Sunday!
With love,