Weekly Update | October 1, 2023

Dean's Note
Dear Friends In Christ,
Beginning last week with the parish wide gathering of “Celebrating Our Past, and Imagining Our Future Together,” as the choir and compline return on Sunday after their summer rest, and with the Blessing of Animals on Sunday, one can feel excitement and enthusiasm in the air! On Saturday, acolytes new and old are meeting at 9am for training and practice. At 10:30am onsite, the newly formed Children, Youth & Families (CYF) ministry will share ideas about a new Kid’s Space for the young people among us; and at 11am the finance committee, which is a ministry as well, will review the financial health and well-being of our cathedral parish.
After services at 8am (without pet companions) and 10am (with pet companions) on Sunday, the cathedral will reopen at 8pm for the return of its beautiful compline service with voices of an exquisite choir, incense, candles and prayers.
There are exciting events forthcoming, including the 40th Anniversary Gala Concert of the Episcopal Chorale Society on October 8th, and The Guibord Center’s Fundraising Dinner, “Our Hearts Beat On,” the evening of October 12th. Please join us for these special celebrations. But most importantly, mark your calendars for October 22nd & November 3rd for conversations with The Rev. Dr. Eric Law about your hopes and dreams for St. John’s, and the collective process of discerning how God is leading this congregation forward. Your participation and voices matter greatly and are essential to shaping what happens next in the life of this cathedral parish.
On a final bright note, I am pleased to announce that The Rev. Mel Soriano, on behalf of St. John’s and in partnership with Canterbury USC, will serve as an Associate Chaplain. We extend our most sincere gratitude to the Board of Canterbury USC and to The Rev. Dr. Glenn Libby for their warm welcome, abiding commitment to USC students and their generosity. A new weekly Contemplative Service at USC will launch this Tuesday at 7:30pm at the Kilgore Chapel on the USC Campus, offering guided silent prayer. Congratulations, Mel! I am sure he hopes to see you there too.
So much is happening thanks to all of you. Let us give thanks to God.
Much love and blessings,
Anne Sawyer
Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge