
Weekly Update | August 13, 2023

Dear Friends In Christ,

Let us take a deep breath, and allow the Spirit of God to quiet our minds and hearts, and give us


You will read today that Dr. Christopher Gravis, Canon for Music and Cathedral Arts, is going on

sabbatical for the next two months, beginning next week and returning in October. I think

it is fair to say that neither Chris nor I have known the right time to share this news. Chris was

granted this sabbatical from his university position some time ago, and with it, comes time

away from us.

We will miss Dr. Gravis greatly, and let us with joyful hearts wish him an amazing adventure for

renewal and health for years to come. While he is gone, Dr. Zachery Neufeld, our gifted

Organist, will lead us in music as he does masterfully and with grace. In addition, we will have at

least one member of our magnificent choir leading us in song. Please join us Sunday to pray for

Chris. Come sing with us, and don’t forget your sunglasses.

Sunglasses! Yes, for our sanctuary is shining bright with new lighting thanks to a generous gift

from Dr. Lo Sprague, President of The Guibord Center. Thank you, Lo!

Special thanks to Mr. Kyle Black too. As our Canon for Parish Administration, he secures bids

and oversees so much of the work done to make all things possible.

Changing lightbulbs in our grand space is no easy lift. Indeed, the task took eight workers,

movable scaffolding, a scissor lift and significant resources to accomplish this task, and it looks

beautiful. On a similar and glorious note, the speakers of our sound system are working again

after a long year, as is our ability to assist people with hearing impairments. With these two

elements, lights and sound, along with your investment in a professional video system, we are

ready for lights, sound and action this Sunday and thereafter.

On a final note, this Sunday after the 10am service the Vestry of St. John’s Cathedral will elect

parishioners to fill open seats, as previously mentioned. Nominations are now closed, and the

election will take place with a paper ballot completed by the Vestry. Please come, and join us.

You are most welcome.

After the election, there will be a light lunch served followed by parish updates and the work of

being people of God called to serve. Your active participation is the life of this parish is essential

to the Cathedral being truly a house for all people.

Come let us worship God in the beauty of Holiness.

With love and blessings,

Anne Sawyer

Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge