Weekly Update | August 6, 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,
In June Mel Soriano was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on his way to becoming a Priest. As a Transitional Deacon, I am pleased to welcome the Rev. Soriano as a member of the St. John’s staff as of this week. Rev. Soriano/Mel will have the office next to mine, serve and preach on Sunday mornings, and dream with you about how to engage in ministry. Mel brings to this vocational calling many gifts from his previous career in software development and business, as well as his warm, kind and listening heart and compassionate soul.
Mel and I are still in the early stages of discerning how God is calling him in this place. As a graduate of USC, Mel is interested in creating a safe and affirming place for young people, children and families. Mel is an active member and leader of The Gathering, which is a ministry of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community within the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.
Mel and his husband, Stephen, are avid walkers and pilgrims who recently clocked over 1M steps on the Camino De Santiago – Mel for the 6th time. When Mel approached me about serving at St. John’s, I was drawn to his infectious smile and kind, gentle way. This said, there is seemingly no limit to his depth or intellectual acuity for anyone wanting to dive deep into most topics of conversation, matters of faith, and the presence of God all around.
Let us give Mel a warm welcome to St. John’s. I give thanks for his presence among us.
Anne Sawyer
Interim Dean & Priest-in-Charge