Cathedral Life | Spring 2023

Easter is around the corner! Spring has arrived, as rains continue to replenish water reserves. Perhaps this year, we are being reminded of the cycle of life in ways that are beyond our control. The gift of life, and bounties of creation. The gift of water that gives life, when it’s the right amount and in balance. The presence of God with us as the forces of nature cause hardship, damage and destruction. The presence of God with us at life and death, and thereafter. The beauty of creation when water causes everything to grow and bloom, as it does every year.
I have used the metaphor of water twice now, during this time of transition at the Cathedral and the start of new beginnings, because somehow it fits. It’s presence, energy, force, movement, constancy, the enduring gift of life that is essential for growth and transformation. While I promise not to get stuck on this imagery, I invite you to give it some thought as we move towards and through Holy Week to Easter this year. Knowing that there are people who are suffering greatly as a result of damage and loss caused by the rains, including death; and, we are washed clean with water in baptism as new life in Christ springs forth.
On the cross, Jesus thirsted and was given sour wine. Jesus, human in every way as we are; and divine in his being, his relationship with God, his teachings and his giving of life on a cross, once for all. As Christians, we journey through Lent and Holy Week to remember what it means to follow Jesus, the way we are called to walk and to live in relationship with each other in community, the way we are called to forgive and to love, the way of the cross when confronting the powers of this world, and the way of being that allows God to shine in and through us.. Please join us this year for Holy Week and Easter as we make real Gods call to us. To live, to Love as Christ Loves Us.
We hope to see you, and I look forward to meeting you. Service times will be posted online and via online communications, and in print. May you be refreshed and blossom this year.