Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of Luke
Sundays, February 6 through March 13 ( Six weeks) at 11:30 am, in-person and on Zoom
Take a deep dive into the Gospel of Luke, who we read throughout this liturgical year in our Sunday masses. How does Luke tell the story of Jesus? How is his story distinct, and how similar to the other writers who tell the story of Jesus? Like all tours, we will see the whole map, but pay particular attention to key places of interest. We will combine the study of the text with time to allow ourselves to meet the Jesus who speaks in a unique way through this telling of the Gospel.
The sessions are recorded and can be accessed later.
Week 1
February 06, 2022 | Presenter - The Very Rev. Canon Mark Kowalewski
"Orienting Ourselves In Luke's Gospel"
Week 2
February 13, 2022 | Presenter - Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder
"When Simon Speaks: An African 3-G Approach To The Gospel Of Luke"
Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder is Professor of New Testament and Culture, and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean at Chicago Theological Seminary. She received a PhD in New Testament Studies from Vanderbilt University. While engaging what she terms “womanist maternal thought,” she explores ways in which the Bible speaks to current-day motherhood through an African American lens. She is a dually-aligned National Baptist and Disciples of Christ minister. Among her other writings is “The Gospel of Luke” in True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary (2007) and Simon of Cyrene: A Case of Roman Conscription (2002).
Week 3
February 20, 2022 | Presenter - The Very Rev. Canon Mark Kowalewski
"Walking With Jesus Through Luke's Gospel"
Week 4
February 27, 2022 | Presenter - Joel B. Green
"Singing With Mary"
Joel B. Green is Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean for the Center of Advanced Theological Studies at Fuller Seminary. He received a PhD in New Testament Studies from the University of Aberdeen and has served on the faculty of several universities both in the U.S. and abroad. He has written or edited some 55 books, eight of which have won awards. He has a particular interest in the Gospel of Luke, including Discovering Luke (2021), Luke as Narrative Theologian (2020), Conversion in Luke-Acts: Divine Initiative, Human Cognition, and the People of God (2015) and The Gospel of Luke (1997), in the New International on the New Testament series, of which he also is the Editor.
Week 5
March 06, 2022 | Presenter - Luke Timothy Johnson
"Luke’s Portrayal Of Jesus"
Luke Timothy Johnson is Robert W. Woodruff Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Christian Origins at Candler Scholl of Theology, Emory University, Emory’s most distinguished endowed chair. A noted scholar and an award-winning teacher. He previously taught at Yale Divinity School, where he also received a PhD, and Indiana University. Among his many areas of research is the study of Luke-Acts. The author of some 30 books, he received the Catholic Press Association’s 2012 Catholic Book Award in Scripture for his book Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church (2011), and also wrote The Gospel of Luke commentary in the Sacra Pagina series (1991). He is also the author of numerous scholarly and popular articles. He made national headlines with The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels (1996), the first book to systematically challenge the Jesus Seminar’s controversial claims, among them that Jesus said only 18 percent of what the Gospels attribute to him.