
Trick-or-Treat at the Cathedral

Event Description

Join us for a spooky evening at the Cathedral! There will be candies, music, photo opportunities and free raffles. Get a chance to look at the historical church that has been in Los Angeles since 1925. Saturday, October 30, 2021 between 5pm-7pm. St. John's Cathedral is located at 514 W. Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007.

Event is free. Open to all. Please wear masks. This is a safe physically distant family event. Costumes are encouraged.

Acompañenos a una tarde escalofriante en la catedral! Habrá dulces, musica, opportunidades de fotos, y rifas gratis. Visite esta histórica iglesia que ha estado aqui en Los Angeles desde 1925. Sabado, Octubre 30, 2021 entre 5pm-7pm. St. John's Cathedral esta situada en 514 W. Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007

El evento es gratis. Para todos. Por favor usen mascarillas. Este es un evento familiar sano y fisicamente distante. Animamos que vengan disfrazados.

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