
Shrove Tuesday

Worship Services
Event Description

Please join us on Shrove Tuesday this coming week. The Revs. Mel and Anne will make and serve pancakes for a delicious supper at 5.00 p.m. prior to the burning of palms for Ash Wednesday. We hope to see you. You are most welcome to help prepare or serve dinner, or simply enjoy an evening together. After, at 6:30pm we will burn palms from last year during a simple service.

After members who are taking advantage of Canon Earl's gift of tickets to Disney Hall all will be able to depart on time. This is the final day before Ash Wednesday and the forty-day period of Lent begins. The Anglican tradition of eating pancakes on this day stretches back to medieval times as a way to use up rich ingredients like butter, milk, sugar, and eggs before Lent which holds its own traditions of fasting and penitence.